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The organic food shop “Suppengrün” in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, is a cooperative. This is a cooperative that has made its mission to bring healthy, fresh, regional and organic food of sustainable origin to the consumer. One becomes a member and takes out a subscription, with which one receives a share of the harvest at regular intervals.
The cooperative runs its farm in Frankfurt Oberrad, where fruit and vegetables are grown. In addition, it cooperates with other organic farms in the area, from which the shop gets eggs, for example. Members can freely choose their products and collect them in boxes from the shop: small and large boxes of fruit and vegetables, juices, bread, and eggs – all individually put together. Everything that is not distributed is made into lunch dishes in the kitchen of the shop, which can be enjoyed on-site. You might find concepts of this kind in your area with keywords like “organic farming” or “agricultural cooperative”.
© Leni Koch
“Too Good To Go” is a concept that aims to combat food waste. Businesses can register on the platform, which is also offered as a mobile smartphone app, and offer surplus food for a lower price before the shops close. As an end consumer, you can see on the app which stores in the vicinity still offer food. These can be supermarkets, but also restaurants and bakeries. Everyone benefits from this – you, the company, and above all the environment, as less food is thrown away. Register now for free and see which shops in your area are already participating.